What's New:
2014 Farm Bill updates
The USDA Farm Service Agency has released updates for the 2014 Farm Bill and the Program Signups for Fruit, Vegetable, and Livestock Farmers begin on April 15, 2014. Please note the TAP (Tree Assistance Program) 2014 sheet is not available yet so below is the 2013 version.
2014 Farm Bill Fact Sheet
Farm Storage Facility Loan Program
Livestock Forage Disaster Program Livestock_Indemnity_Payments_LIP.pdf
Livestock Indemnity Payments (LIP)
Tree Assistance Program for Orchardists and Nursery Tree Growers (TAP)
Attention all Livestock Owners - Storm-related information:
- American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA): Information on Emergency Preparedness - http://www.avma.org/disaster/default.asp
- American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP): Emergency and Disaster Preparedness - http://www.aaep.org/emergency_prep.htm
- Red Cross: Disaster Preparedness for Pets - http://www.redcross.org/services/disaster/beprepared/animalsafety.html
DairyCast, www.dairycast.com , is a website clearing house with presentations and audio files of industry and university specialists on dairy topics. A good presentation on silage management from Dr. Limin Kung, University of Delaware, is found at: http://www.dairycast.com/dr-limin-kung-jr-update-on-silage-management and audio file athttp://www.dairycast.com/dairycast-0269-limin-kung-offers-tips-for-success-in-your-silage-program .
Frank Kipe's December 2010 Micro-Creamery discussion Click to access mp3 file (large file and will likely take about 5 minutes to download).
Cornell Guidelines for Pest Management(Cornell "Recommends") -- now online and searchable!
Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County Ag Subscription Take full advantage of our research-based information!
Commercial Soil Analysis Service- link will take you to AgroOne Soil Services where you can select from a number of testing services.
Orange County is home to over 70 dairy and field crop farms. A trend towards fewer farms and larger herds will continue into the future. The average dairy farm milks between 75-90 cows.
Zoe Lockburner
Livestock/4-H Livestock, Equine, Dairy Program Manager
(845) 344-1234, Ext. 258
Last updated December 26, 2024