This fundraiser helps us, the environment, and local wildlife. Buy native plants! The bees will thank you.(Drawing of two bees hovering around two yellow flowers.
Logos: Master Gardener Cornell Cooperative Extension / Garden for Wildlife by National Wildlife Federation

Check out our Gardening Events page for details on how you can help!

Soil SAle
Professional Growing Mix (2.8 cu. ft.)
$38.00 per bag
Order Today!
Pick-up Tuesday, April 1st.
Master Gardener Volunteer Program | Cornell Cooperative Extension | Orange County

Buy soil and support the Master Gardener Volunteer Program!

What can I plant to support native wildlife?
Keystone Native Plants

Come out to your local library and learn how Keystone Native Plants help our ecosystem thrive!

Home Gardening

Cornell Cooperative Extension offers research-based support to gardeners through our community horticulture and Master Gardener Volunteer programs. Homeowners can attend our classes, view online resources and have their gardening questions answered by our Garden Helpline service. Plant, insect and soil samples can be brought to our diagnostic lab for help determining problems in their home or garden. 

Last updated March 20, 2025