Capacity Building Programs
Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County offers programs to build capacity in schools, human services organizations, health care providers, community partners, and individuals, including:
Protective Factor Framework training: Protective factors are characteristics or strengths of individuals, families, communities, or societies that act to mitigate risks and promote positive well-being and healthy development. Most often, we see them as attributes that help families successfully navigate difficult situations. A protective factors framework is an organized set of strengths-based ideas that are used to guide programs, services, supports, and interventions aimed at preventing child maltreatment and promoting healthy outcomes. The Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework from the Center for the Study of Social Policy distills extensive research in child and family development into a core set of five protective factors that everyone can understand and recognize in their own lives.
Trauma-responsive, resilience-informed, and healing-centered approaches to care: This training supports participants in adopting and developing shared language and understanding to increase trauma-responsive, anti-oppressive practices in Trauma-Responsive and Resilience-Informed Care. The training addresses the impact of the intersection of racism and trauma, social determinants of health, and the larger social context in which trauma occurs and provides participants with practical tools to support compassion resilience, and well-being.
- Workshops related to building regenerative well-being.
- Community Café facilitation
To book a program or inquire about what best meets your needs, please contact Julika von Stackelberg at or (845) 344-1234 ext. 274.
Last updated January 21, 2025