Pine Tree Elementary School Garden
North Main Elementary School Garden
Cornwall-on-Hudson Elementary School Garden
Garden Experience with Master Gardeners @ the Orange County Arboretum
School and Youth Gardening
The Master Gardener Volunteer are here to help you with your school garden! They act as consultant to help you plan your garden and also can also provide gardening lesson. If you don't have a school garden, don't worry, most of these lesson can be done in the classroom. Here are the topics that we cover.
- Parts of a Flower
- Plant Maintenance in a Garden*
- Plant Parts
- Plant Propagation Techniques
- Planting Times, Reading Seed Packets, Planting Zones
- Plants Parts We Eat
- Pollination
- Seed Science
- Starting Seeds
- Three Sisters Garden*
- Transplanting*
- Types of Plants (i.e. annuals, perennials, biennials,
bulbs, etc.)
- Bees
- Butterfly Life Cycle
- Different Insect Mouth Parts
- Good and Bad Bugs
- Identification of an Insect
- Metamorphosis
- Pollinators and Beneficial
- Ticks
- Composting
/ Vermicomposting
- Soil
Testing for pH
- Types
of Soil & Jar Test
Planning a School Garden
- Information
on Starting School Gardens & Sustainability
- Site
- Planting
guidance *
Other Topics
- Putting
a Garden to Bed*
- Leave
the Leaves to Protect Overwintering Insects
- Birds
and their Relationship to the Food Chain
- Cold
and Warm Season Crops
- Environmental
- Container
- Terrarium
- Succulent
- Fairy Gardens
- AG
Literature (a Master Gardener Volunteer visits your classroom in March every
year to read the agriculture book for that year)
* denotes that this lesson requires a garden
Last updated September 29, 2023