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Sign-up to receive information about our 2026 Master Gardener Volunteer Training.


Sign-up to receive information about our 2026 Master Gardener Volunteer Training.

2022 Master Gardener Graduates

2022 Master Gardener Volunteer Graduates

Master Gardener Volunteer Program

Our next Master Gardener Volunteer Training 

will start in January of 2027.

Click here to sign-up to receive information concerning our

2027 Master Gardener Volunteer Training in 2026.

What is a Master Gardener Volunteer?

The Master Gardener Volunteer Program is a national program of trained volunteers who work in partnership with their county Cooperative Extension office to expand garden-based educational outreach throughout the community by providing home and community gardeners with research-based information and skills. Here in Orange County, Master Gardener Volunteers partner with Cornell Cooperative Extension to assist with gardening projects in the community, teach classes and workshops, work in school and community gardens, provide information at public events, and answer gardening questions through the Garden Helpline. 

Who becomes a Master Gardener Volunteer?

Master Gardener Volunteers are adults of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. They range from having no professional gardening or landscaping experience, to very experienced gardeners. They all share a genuine interest in making the world more vibrant and livable through gardening. Master Gardener Volunteers are students, teachers, moms, dads, grandparents, working folks, retired people, and anything else you can imagine. All you need is a love for gardening, time to volunteer, and a willingness to complete the training.

How can I become a Master Gardener Volunteer?

In Orange County New York, a Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program is usually conducted every two or three years.  Our next training is scheduled for 2027.  Our online application will be sent out in the beginning of September 2026 and be due back on October 11th.

Our training consist of online work in conjunction with in-person classes. The online work can be done on your own time and includes watching lectures, contributing to online forums, performing knowledge checks, writing reflections, etc.  In-person classes are held once a month for twelve months, on the 2 nd Saturday of the month.  They will start at 9:00 am and finish by 4:00 pm.

The application process includes a review of your application, interviews, reference and background checks. Accepted applicants will be contacted in early December 2027 and notified of their standing. The current training cost is $300 per applicant. Scholarships are available, based on need.

During your first two years as a Master Gardener Volunteer you are required to complete 50 hours of service, after that you are required to complete 30 hours each year.

Anyone interested in receiving more information about are next training set to take place in 2026, please sign-up below.

Sign-up to receive information about our

'2027 Master Gardener Volunteer Training.'

If you have any questions about the Master Gardener Volunteer Program, please contact:


Susan Ndiaye
Community Horticulture Educator
(845) 344-1234, Ext.250

Last updated May 24, 2024