leave a legacy

Leave a Legacy

Estate Planning

What will your legacy be?

Including a charitable gift in your estate plan is a simple, tax-friendly way to make a positive impact on the causes, charities or community that matter most to you. Planned giving does not require a large income or vast estate. It requires only a thoughtful intention to make a difference by designating the CCE Orange in your will or estate plan.

There are many ways to make a planned gift and the information below can help get you started. We encourage you to seek professional estate planning and legal advice to determine the most effective way for you to give. CCE Orange County staff members are available to meet with you and your professional advisor. Please contact CCE Orange Community Outreach Coordinator Jill Van Aken at 845-344-1234 or jd863@cornell.edu to discuss your charitable intentions and options for giving.


Through a charitable bequest, you can designate a gift of a specific dollar amount, a percentage of an estate, or the remainder of an estate after other bequests are made. You maintain control over your assets now and support the organizations that matter to you later. CCE Orange County will work with us during your lifetime to document details of your charitable goals to honor intent.

Sample Bequest Language:

General Purpose Specific Bequest

I give, devise, bequeath, ______ (insert dollar amount or item of property to be donated) to the <CCE Orange>., or its successor organization, a nonprofit corporation as described in section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, with national headquarters located at <18 Seward Avenue, Suite 300, Middletown, NY 10940>, to be used for continued community education through research-based knowledge.

General Purpose Residuary Bequest

I give, devise, bequeath, ______ (insert % amount) of all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to the <CCE Orange>., or its successor organization, a nonprofit corporation as described in section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, with national headquarters located at <18 Seward Avenue, Suite 300, Middletown, NY 10940>, to be used for continued community education through research-based knowledge.

Restricted Purpose Bequest

I give, devise, bequeath, ______ (insert dollar amount, item of property or % of residue) to the <CCE Orange>., or its successor organization, a nonprofit corporation as described in section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, with national headquarters located at <18 Seward Avenue, Suite 300, Middletown, NY 10940>, to be used exclusively [insert restricted use language here].

Gifts of Life Insurance

CCE Orange County can be designated as the beneficiary of a fully paid or new life insurance policy. With CCE Orange County as the owner and beneficiary of a irrevocable policy, you can earn an immediate tax deduction as well as deductions on future premiums, and the policy proceeds will someday support charitable organizations or scholarships through your fund.

Gifts of Retirement Plans

By naming CCE Orange County as the beneficiary of your retirement account, such as a 403(b) or traditional IRA, you can avoid passing on heavy income and estate taxes to your heirs.

Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County is not engaged in rendering legal, financial, or tax advice. Information in our publications and on our website is provided as a service to provide general information about charitable giving. Please consult your financial or legal advisor. 


Jill Van Aken
Association Community Liaison
(845) 344-1234, Ext.261

Last updated June 24, 2024