
Orange County 4-H Family who have been sewing Face Coverings.

mask sewing

4-Her Sewing a Face Covering.

essential workers

Essential Workers wearing 4-H Donated Face Coverings.

Face Coverings

How did we start?

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, our Orange County 4-H Team quickly began working on a face covering community service initiative. 4-Hers and now other volunteers are continuing to sew face coverings all to be donated to essential workers, volunteers and generally anyone in need of them.

Below is our face covering disclaimer as well as a link to the Centers for Disease Control’s website page detailing face coverings and how to make them on your own.

You can also  click here to learn about NY 4-H's "Mask Task."


Interested in Volunteering or Need a Donation?

If you are interested in volunteering to sew face coverings or if you would like to request a face covering(s) donation, please send an email to DeAnna Sardella-Matthews, 4-H Resource Educator at

Disclaimer on Face Coverings:

Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County's Face Covering Disclaimer (this is included with every face covering donation): 

Disclaimer: Please note these are face coverings donated by Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County 4-H and other volunteers and should not be used as personal protective equipment (PPE) designated for frontline personnel. We recommend washing face coverings prior to wearing.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)'s Website page on Face Coverings - 

Click here for information regarding:

  • How to Wear a Cloth Face Covering
  • Homemade Cloth Face Coverings
  • Washing/Sterilizing Cloth Face Coverings
  • Safely Removing Cloth Face Coverings
  • Instructions & Tutorials on Sew and No-Sew Cloth Face Coverings

Last updated April 29, 2020