Important Notices:
CCE Orange County will be presenting the annual Stormwater Management Training series for the Southeastern New York (SENY) region.
About the Stormwater Management Training Series
Who Should Attend?
You should attend the training if you are one of the following: Code Enforcement Officer, consulting/municipal design engineer, Municipal Planning Board member, land use planner/developer, stormwater professional, teacher, municipal staff, consultant, or landscape architect.
John has been a practicing civil engineer since 1981 and is a Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC), and a Certified Professional in Municipal Stormwater Management (CPMSM). John has prepared & reviewed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), guided Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), & participated with DEC in the development of the current stormwater regulations & design manuals. John also teaches a graduate-level Stormwater Management class at SUNY-Environmental Science & Forestry & has been conducting stormwater trainings across New York State for over 15 years. He has also been Planning Board Chairman for over 10 years in his hometown.
The New Design Manual - February 26, 2025
This class will review the 2023 DEC Stormwater Design Manual, which includes new stormwater management practices (SMPs), clarifies calculations for designing SMPs, provides enhanced guidance for implementing several SMPs, updates precipitation data criteria, improves document organization, provides enhanced guidance for addressing pollutants of concern, adds green infrastructure SMPs for poor site conditions, and provides guidance on addressing climate change. DEC personnel will participate in this class and will be available for questions.
The New Stormwater Construction Permit - March 19, 2025
The Stormwater Construction permit is the template for designing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for development projects in NY. The new 5-year version of the permit has just been issued by DEC. This comprehensive class will guide participants through the many permit conditions and requirements of various development scenarios, as well as the steps of site planning, design, evaluation, and reporting necessary for obtaining NYSDEC stormwater permit coverage in New York. Updates to the permit from the 2020 version will be emphasized. NYSDEC personnel will participate.
Adapting to a Changing Climate - April 9, 2025
Communities across New York are experiencing an ever-increasing variability of weather conditions that adversely affect local flooding and water quality. Old assessment models, design standards, and community policies may not be capable of providing the desired results in the changing climate. This class will examine how climate change is impacting precipitation, and runoff and the criteria that are used to establish the design standards for stormwater management and floodplain regulations. Recent precipitation trends will be examined, and the class will explore alternative design criteria that can be used to assess and adopt projects and communities to these trends. One of the key elements for adopting landscapes to climate change is resilience. Numerous retrofitting techniques and designs for “softening” hard scapes will also be examined, as well as fresh approaches to floodplain assessment and development.
Re-Development and Retrofits - April 30, 2025
This class will cover two specific applications of stormwater Management and Land Planning: Redevelopment and Retrofits. Chapter 9 of the NYSDEC Stormwater Management Design Manual is dedicated to the unique design standards on re-development sites. Retrofitting the urban landscape with green infrastructure has proven to be a very effective tool for municipalities to improve water quality, and reduce runoff in impaired watersheds. The class will explore the numerous retrofitting opportunities and the techniques that can be employed to transform the conventional, hardscapes of developed areas to a more resilient form. Design examples, class exercises, and case studies will be presented along with the components of a successful municipal retrofitting program. NYS EFC personnel will participate in this program.
MS4 Permit Updates and Compliance - May 21, 2025
This class will review the MS4 Permit updates, and more information TBA.
$175 per person, see info above for available discounts
Justine Shaffer
Agriculture Administrative Assistant
(845) 344-1234, Ext.262
This event is online
Last updated December 30, 2024