
Check out this great virtual program!


Parenting a Related Child Virtual Course

  • Sunday, September 15, 2024, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Based upon nationally acclaimed curriculum called, Parenting a Second Time Around (PASTA) and utilizing resources from NTDC.

Have you recently adopted a related child?

Are you raising a child that is related to you?

Are you thinking about becoming a parent for someone related to you?

Cornell Cooperative Extension – Orange County has created an online, self-paced, 8 module program to help parents/caregivers learn about:

  • themselves and the feelings that come with the new role
  • the youth’s feelings about this new situation and how to best support them
  • trauma, grief and loss that the child has experienced
  • trauma informed parenting – how to best work with youth that have experienced trauma
  • how the biological parent feels and how to navigate that relationship and guide the child in these relationships
  • parenting techniques for youth up to age 10
  • parenting a teen
  • understanding high risk behaviors in youth

In addition to the program content you will:

  • Gain support from others in this situation
  • Be given access to take a private, parenting self-assessment that will give you a full report on how you are doing
  • Learn many self-care practices
  • Have lifetime access to many supportive resources

You can participate in this program, from the comfort of your home at any time of day.

Each module takes about 60 – 90 minutes each week to complete, with up to 30 minutes of suggested journaling and brief homework assignments to complete.

Online series runs from: September 15th until November 22nd, 2024.





Last updated August 22, 2024