CCE Orange County will be presenting the annual Stormwater Management Training series for the Southeastern New York region.
The classes will once again be held via Zoom from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. 4 PDHs, 4 LUs, and 4 CEUs are expected to be awarded for all of these classes.
Additional details, including the Zoom link, will be sent to registered individuals 1-2 days before the class date. Registration begins at 8:00 AM and classes will begin promptly at 8:30 AM. You must be present for the duration of the course to receive credits, so please be sure to sign into Zoom punctually.
Please note that it is the policy of the Eastern NY SW RTC not to refund “no show” registrants. Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the course date and will be charged a $25 fee. Substitutions and transfers are acceptable up to the day of any course.
Who Should Attend?
You should attend the training if you are one of the following: Code Enforcement Officer, consulting/municipal design engineer, Municipal Planning Board member, land use planner/developer, stormwater professional, teacher, municipal staff, consultant, or landscape architect.
John has been a practicing civil engineer since 1981 and is a Certified Professional in Erosion & Sediment Control (CPESC), and a Certified Professional in Municipal Stormwater Management (CPMSM). John has prepared & reviewed Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), provided guidance for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), & participated with DEC in the development of the current stormwater regulations & design manuals. John also teaches a graduate level Stormwater Management class at SUNY-Environmental Science & Forestry & has been conducting stormwater trainings across New York State for over 15 years. He has also been Planning Board Chairman for over 10 years in his hometown.
The New MS4 Permit – February 27
After nearly six years, the new MS4 General Permit has been finalized for a five-year term. The new permit clarifies and simplifies some elements of the existing permit while introducing new compliance challenges and obligations. Each of the six minimum measure requirements will be reviewed, emphasizing the significant modifications in the new permit pertaining to prioritizing, reporting, mapping, and developing municipal facility SWPPP’s. NYSDEC personnel will participate in this class and will be available to answer questions.
Stormwater Hydrology & the New Design Manual – March 19
Predicting the volume and rate of runoff from rain events is an essential skill for stormwater engineers. This class will examine in detail all the factors that influence runoff: precipitation, soils, ground cover, drainage area, and time of concentration. The techniques and standards that are outlined in the latest version of the Design Manual for computing runoff rates and volumes will be reviewed. Determining detention storage volumes and modeling of reservoirs, outlet structures, and solar farms will also be addressed, along with hydrology modeling techniques to address climate change.
Post Construction Stormwater Management Practices & the New Design Manual – April 9
From dry detention to tree plantings, the updated NYS Stormwater Design Manual outlines the numerous possibilities for selecting practices to meet the permit requirements for peak flow mitigation, water quality treatment, and runoff reduction. This class will review the characteristics and performance of each of these practices and will provide an overview of the many considerations that must be made to choose the most appropriate practices for site specific needs. Sizing, construction and maintenance of each practice will also be covered.
SWPPP Preparation and Review – April 30
Preparing, reviewing and implementing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is essential to stormwater management for both the public and private sectors. The SWPPP is a key component of the Construction General Permit, the Multi Sector General Permit, and of Minimum Control Measures 4, 5, and 6 of the MS4 General Permit. This class will review all of the required elements of partial and full SWPPP’s, including site planning, erosion and sedimentation, hydrology, good housekeeping, and post-construction management and maintenance. Updates to the Design Manual will be incorporated in the review. Preparation of Municipal Facility SWPPP’s, a new requirement of MCM 6 of the MS4 permit, will also be covered.
MS4 Program: Strategies for Success – May 14
As a follow-up to the February class we will go deeper into the MS4 permit requirements and focus on key areas of program development. Primary topics will include Illicit Discharge detection and track down programs, Best Management Practices for Municipal Facilities and Developing Municipal Facilities and Operations Programs. The use of GIS mapping tools will be highlighted throughout as well as discussions for developing Staffing and Enforcement Response Plans. Andy Sansone, Monroe County Stormwater Coordinator will be the lead presenter along with John Dunkle and Christiana Chaippeta from NYSDEC
$175 per person, per class (discounts & group rates available, see above)
Justine Shaffer
Agriculture Administrative Assistant
(845) 344-1234, Ext.262
This event is online
Last updated March 13, 2024