2023 Sunflower Growing Competition Graphic!
Open to all Orange County youth ages 5-19!

Register Today.

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Cornell Cooperative Extension
Orange County

2023 Sunflower Growing Competition


2023 Sunflower Growing Competition Registration

  • Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 12:00 AM - Sunday, June 11@ 11:45 PM

It is time to get outside and get growing!

Join us for our 2023 Sunflower Growing Competition!!

This contest is free and open to all youth in Orange County ages 5-19 as well as all Orange County 4-H youth members. If you are a teacher, 4-H Club leader, or other youth leader in Orange County, you can register the youth in your class, club, or group.

We will mail a packet of five sunflower seeds and growing instructions for each registered youth the week of June 12th. For teachers, 4-H Club leaders, and other youth leaders, we will mail you individual packets of seeds for the total number of youth you register and let you distribute them.

The seeds should be planted by June 30th. We will follow up with you throughout the summer. Your flowers will bloom in late August and September. Contest submission can be made online from September 1st through October 15th. More details to come. Prizes will be awarded to youth for the tallest plant and largest bloom.

Registration closes: Sunday, June 11th

If you have any questions, please call our Community Horticulture Educator Susan Ndiaye at (845) 344-1234 (ext. 250) or email her at sgn32@cornell.edu.

2023 Sunflower Growing Instructions






Susan Ndiaye
Community Horticulture Educator
(845) 344-1234, Ext.250

Last updated May 31, 2023