t. (845) 344-1234
f. (845) 343-7471
e. orange@cornell.edu
w. cceorangecounty.org

Incubation and Embryology 2020


Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County 4-H Program will be beginning a new online series hosted by Maggie Smith, 4-H Animal Science Program Manager.

“Incubation and Embryology Online”

This series will be video recordings twice a week and will be viewable on Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County’s YouTube Channel, social media accounts and on this webpage. Videos will be launched Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 A.M.

Here is the entire class date and lesson schedule for the “Incubation and Embryology Online” Program:

  1. Introduction to Incubation and Embryology for Chickens and Ducks
  2. Parts of the Egg
  3. Candling our Chicken and Duck Eggs
  4. Science Experiments with Eggs
  5. Getting our Brooder Boxes Ready
  6. Watching our Chicken Eggs Hatch!
  7. Play Date and Chick Facts
  8. Watching our Duck Eggs Hatch!
  9. Chicks and Duckling review!


This series will focus on hatching Black Australorp Chickens, Red Bourbon Turkeys and African Gray Geese! Videos will be launched on Thursdays at 11:00 A.M. beginning Thursday, May 14 th.

  1. All About Geese!
  2. Visiting The Farms!
  3. Incubating Chickens and Turkeys
  4. Going Organic - What does that mean?
  5. All About Black Australorps - Chick Hatch
  6. All About Red Bourbon Turkeys
  7. Headed to the Farm!

For more information, follow us on our  CCE Facebook pageOrange County 4-H Facebook page, Website and our YouTube channel:  CCE Orange.