t. (845) 344-1234
f. (845) 343-7471
e. orange@cornell.edu
w. cceorangecounty.org
Dairy projects of many kinds are available to New York youth ages 5-19 through the Cornell Cooperative Extension program. The 4-H Dairy Program is part of the animal science project. This program will help you learn about the selection, production, management, health, and showing of dairy animals. If you have already signed up for this 4-H project, come on in and get started. If you haven't signed up yet for 4-H, contact your county 4-H office and become a member today.
Cattle Breeds
Breeds of Cattle – an online reference compiled by OK State.
Breed Associations
Brown Swiss Association – http://www.brownswissusa.com/
American Jersey Cattle Association – http://www.usjersey.com/
American Guernsey Association – http://www.usguernsey.com/
Red and White Cattle Association – http://www.redandwhitecattle.com/
Holstein Association USA – http://www.holsteinusa.com/
Ayrshire Breed Association – http://www.usayrshire.com/
American Milking Shorthorn Society – http://www.milkingshorthorn.com
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Non-Ownership Lease Form - Dairy